Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Changing the World

Hi, friends.

Changing the World
So I was thinking today ("a dangerous pastime, I know," as Lefou and Gaston from Disney's Beauty and the Beast point out) about how I wish that I could change the world.  But then I got discouraged about this, because I am only one person, and the world is full of many people.   
      When Avicii sung in his new wildly popular song, "Wake me up:" "I tried to carry the weight of the world, but I only have two hands," he points out something richly profound.  We try to help everyone, but often do not have the capability to, and thus give up altogether.  But we forget that we still have those two hands, and can help at least someone, and for that someone, it makes a world of difference.  We may not be able to change the world, but we can change someone's life, which in turn changes their world.
      Pretty soon, this creates a ripple effect, and because we have helped one person and that person has helped another, and so on and so forth, we truly begin to change the world. But we have to begin with the capabilities our own two hands allow us, with one person at a time.  And over time, change will come into view, and our view will change about the magnificence and extent of our own capabilities.

Go and change the world today.

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